Case Management

Do You Need Help Finding Work?

If you need more help than the resource room offers, case management may be a good fit for you.

There are two ways to start the case management process:

  1. Tell the receptionist that you would like a needs assessment
  2. Get recommended for case management. The resource room staff may ask you if you would like to apply

With case management, you and the case manager work together to find work or connect to the community.

Ask Us About Working With An Employment Services Coach

How Case Management Works

We will:

  • Find out if you are ready to look for work
  • Help you to create realistic work goals
  • Create an action plan together that supports you while reaching your goals
  • Provide employment counselling, services, and financial supports (if we see that you need it) to help you as you get ready for the world of work
  • Connect you to other community supports if you need them
  • Keep track of your action plan, until you have reached your goals
  • Provide job coaching and follow-up services to ensure you are successful in your new position

What Case Management Offers

Case-managed services include:

  • Customized job placement services, including Customized Employment Option for Self-Employment
  • Unpaid work experience placements
  • Wage subsidy work experience placements with employers
  • Job creation partnerships on community benefit projects
  • Project-based Labour Market Training

Who Can Apply?

Customized job placement services are designed for job seekers who have significant trouble finding work because of new immigrant status, disability, lack of education, ethnic grouping, etc., and:

  • Require intensive, individualized supports to obtain work
  • Need work experience to improve their ability to find and maintain employment
Learn about customized job placement services